Our Mission:

To equip, unleash, and support everyday people to plant the Gospel in their neighborhoods and networks.

Our Vision:

To see gospel-centered, missional, and diverse, microchurches and hubs in each of the “majority-minority” cities across North Texas.


Our Story:

In the fall of 2019, Carlos & Lydia Piñero invited a few of their friends and their many, many children to pray with them about planting a different kind of church in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Carlos was on staff at an amazing, growing multi-site church (Fielder Church), but increasingly we saw that the friends we grew up with, lived near, or worked with were not interested in visiting an established church to explore faith in Jesus.

We realized that we live in one of the fastest-growing and diverse regions in the nation. Many, if not most, of the people around us, come from different cultures, ethnicities, political ideals, or generations that we grew up sitting next to in church. We also believed that if the Holy Spirit is in us, then the seed of a church planter lies in the heart of every believer. If we were obedient to make disciples in the places that we are called to, “church” or “churches” would naturally emerge.

So after about six months of prayer and fasting, we discerned that the Spirit was calling us to start simple churches in our homes, coffee shops, parks, or really anywhere, for those who may never attend a church service on a Sunday (we call them “microchurches”). When COVID shut everything down early in 2020, rather than slowing us down, it only confirmed that the Lord was moving us in this direction. One family started a microchurch on Zoom and others began small, simple gatherings outdoors. In hearing about our church experiment, people from outside of our prayer group and even out of state started reaching out and asking about what we were doing and how we got started. We also began connecting with and learning alongside a new church plant in Eastern Germany.

Seeing the fruit of these microchurches, the Piñero’s and the small team were commissioned by Fielder Church to plant Citizen House in January 2021.

Today, there are four microchurches meeting in Arlington, Fort Worth, and Dallas reaching their friend groups or neighborhoods. The leaders gather together once per month to eat, pray, and worship. We’re also beginning to walk with others to help them make disciples within their sphere of calling through coaching and events like Calling Lab and Learning Community.

In 2022, we’re praying for three new microchurches to emerge in new places or people groups. We’re also discovering and seeking new ways to equip, support, and unleash, these missional leaders across this diverse network of ministries.


Our Name:

The name “Citizen House” comes from the three-fold identity given to the church in Ephesians 2 - We are citizens, family, and a temple. The word “House” is a metaphor for both family and temple.

  • “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints…” (Eph. 2:19-21a)

    As citizens, we are representatives of the Kingdom of Jesus in the world around us. We are communities on mission.

  • “…and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone,…” (Eph. 2:19b-20)

    As a family, we love and serve one another. We are communities of unity amidst diversity.

  • …in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (Eph 2:22-23)

    As His Temple, we, not a building, are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. We are communities of worship and discipleship to Jesus.

Our Creed:

The Gospel of Jesus Christ as it is written in the Bible is our final authority and the core of everything we do and believe. We point to the Apostles Creed as the essential doctrines of Scripture. These beliefs have united Christians across the world for hundreds of years. 

As a family of micro-churches, we also subscribe to a “Citizen House Creed”. This creed is a statement of values and commitments that we all aspire to. We celebrate these things. We want them to define our culture and we want to have a reputation for these things:



We surrender every area of our lives to King Jesus.


We disciple and are discipled in community.


We obey Jesus, even when it’s costly.


We invite others into our homes and lives.


We stand for Biblical values and social justice.