
The most basic expression of the church.


Any group of people striving to live in their God-given identity as citizens, family, and temple are the church. They’re a worshipping family on mission. Sure, churches can meet in buildings for worship services. But we feel called to plant simple churches in homes, workplaces, parks, pubs, or anywhere they’d like to meet and on any day of the week that best fulfills the mission God has called them to.

Why microchurches?


Example of Early Church

The church we see in the New Testament primarily met in homes. This allowed them to grow and reproduce despite persecution from the Roman government. 


There is a loneliness epidemic in our culture. We believe that making small to mid-sized groups the primary environment for the church will help people be known and better care for one another.


Smaller church environments make it easier to give every believer a platform and the opportunity to use their gifts.


Our cities are increasingly tribal, multi-ethnic, multicultural, and post-Christian. One church or type of church will not reach them. Microchurches allow leaders to specifically target neighborhoods, networks, or needs in how they worship and make disciples.


The simplicity of a micro-church means that you don’t need to be a professional pastor to start one.